, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Lavrov: Russia Is Not Going To Share Responsibility For West Triggered M...

Lavrov: Russia Is Not Going To Share Responsibility For West Triggered M...

Moscow condemns the activity of Western nations in Libya and is not going to share with them the burden of responsibility for the migration crises triggered as a result, Sergey Lavrov told journalists on Wednesday following a joint meeting of the Council of Defense Ministers, the Council of Foreign Ministers and the Committee of Secretaries of the CSTO Security Councils.

According to the top diplomat, the topic of illegal migration emerged after NATO bombed-out Libya and destroyed the Libyan statehood. "Flows of illegal migrants then headed northward through the bombed-out Libya, and when the European Union realized that this burden was too heavy for it, it began to urge everyone else to share the burden of responsibility for the fate of these migrants," Lavrov stressed.

"We are not going to share the burden of responsibility for what we not only had refused to support, but also condemned," the foreign minister pointed out. He also said that the actions from the West had made Libya "a black hole from the country that used to be among the most stable and flourishing from the social point of view."

"That is why, the West must understand that if it keeps supporting reckless schemes like the Iraqi and Libyan ones, if it continues actions that have brought about nothing good and have in no way calmed the situation after NATO’s 20 years in Afghanistan, then probably people will be fleeing the places that the West wanted to make happy through their democratic mission," he summed up.

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