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'Never Say Never' - Lavrov Doubts Biden's Promises

Russia want the United States to make the next step and move beyond the commitment not to use force for reshaping other countries by actually refraining from doing this altogether. they must recognise that we are all different. we have different cultural, civilisational roots, but we share the same planet and must respect each other, Sergey Lavrov side at the press conference to sum up the high-level meetings week at the 76th session of the UN General Assembly, on Saturday.

President Biden said that the United States will no longer use force to change regimes abroad. “Never say never” as the saying goes. "we have seen how the Donald Trump administration pulled out of the Iranian nuclear deal that was concluded by the Barack Obama administration. now that talks on fully restoring the JCPOA to settle the situation around the Iranian nuclear programme are underway, one of the questions the Iranians are asking the Americans is whether the agreement to restore this plan can include a clause binding future administrations to respect it? the Americans say that they cannot do this, since this is how their system works. international law is one thing, but their law is a nose of wax, and can be twisted about any way they so desire," Lavrov said.
United States President Biden said that an era of “relentless diplomacy” has been ushered in. "This means that the Americans will seek to impose on other countries what they deem right for them by other means. this could include colour revolutions. they do not require any use of force, but are equally destructive. just look at Libya, Iraq, Syria, and Ukraine, our neighbour," Minister added.

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