, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Peskov: New US Sanctions Would Wipe Out 'Spirit Of Geneva'

Peskov: New US Sanctions Would Wipe Out 'Spirit Of Geneva'

The adoption of new US sanctions against Russia would be the worst possible scenario for relations between the two countries. Moreover, it would wipe out "the spirit of Geneva," Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on Friday, commenting on the House of Representatives' move to pass a defense policy bill that includes new restrictions against Moscow.

When asked whether the new sanctions would actually be introduced, Peskov noted that predicting Washington's steps was not the Kremlin's job. "Perhaps, it's not up to us to make forecasts. Clearly, US congressmen are still thirsting to impose various sanctions," he added.
On Thursday, the House of Representatives passed a defense policy bill for the next financial year, as well as a legislative initiative that suggests the Biden administration consider the possibility of sanctioning 35 Russian nationals, including members of the government, major entrepreneurs, public figures and journalists. Another initiative bans Americans from purchasing Russia's newly issued government bonds not only on primary markets but on secondary markets as well in response to Russia's alleged interference in US elections. The Senate has yet to pass its own version of the bill, varying from the one adopted by the House. After that, a commission will meet to agree on the details of the two documents and then they will be put to a vote in both chambers. The process can take several months.

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