, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Peskov Responds To Kiev's Reaction To The Contract Between Gazprom And Budapest

Peskov Responds To Kiev's Reaction To The Contract Between Gazprom And Budapest

The Kremlin called Ukraine's hysterical reaction to the deal, which was concluded by Hungary and the Russian Gazprom.

As the press secretary of the president Dmitry Peskov noted, firstly, we are talking about long-term agreements guaranteeing Hungary and its consumers reliable supplies of blue fuel. Moreover, in accordance with the norms of international trade. And, secondly, this issue concerns bilateral relations between Moscow and Budapest. So to say that the deal is allegedly directed against Kiev, Peskov noted, is at least inappropriate. The discontent of the Kiev authorities, in fact, was caused by the fact that Russian blue fuel will be supplied to Hungary bypassing Ukraine - through the Turkish Stream and gas pipelines of South-Eastern Europe, in total up to 4.5 billion cubic meters per year. Kiev considers this a blow to bilateral relations and threatens Budapest with retaliation. The Ambassador of Ukraine was summoned to the Hungarian Foreign Ministry after such statements. Later, by the way, according to media reports, a similar invitation - only in Kiev - was received by the head of the Hungarian diplomatic mission. However, in Budapest they say openly: the main thing that guided the deal with Gazprom was national interests. And Ukraine's reaction is, in fact, a violation of Hungary's sovereignty.

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