, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Putin Greets State Duma Political Parties' Leaders

Putin Greets State Duma Political Parties' Leaders

The updated Russian Constitution has significantly increased the role of the State Duma. In this context, the responsibility of the deputies has also significantly increased, primarily for the fulfillment of their obligations during the election campaign, Vladimir Putin said on Saturday in a video conference with leaders of the parties that have won seats in the lower house of Russia’s parliament.

"Such a totally intensive, public and open style of work must become standard throughout your tenure in parliament," Putin added.
"Elections are obviously a crucial and symbolic stage in the life of each party and the entire nation, but it is just one more stage. Intensive daily work lies ahead for the benefit of Russia and its citizens," President stressed.
The overall distribution of the 450 State Duma mandates goes as follows: United Russia got 324 seats, the Communist Party gained 57 seats, A Just Russia — For Truth gains 27 seats, LDPR took 21 seats, while the New People got 13 seats," Pamfilova said. "The Homeland, the Civic Platform, and the Party of Growth gain one seat each. Five mandates were gained by self-nominated candidates.

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