, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Putin Vows To Continually Focus On Behavior Of Russia’s Macroeconomic Indicators

Putin Vows To Continually Focus On Behavior Of Russia’s Macroeconomic Indicators

The behavior of Russia’s macroeconomic indicators will always be in the Kremlin’s spotlight given the instability shaking up the global economy, Vladimir Putin said on Tuesday when opening a meeting on economic issues.

"The situation in the global economy, as we are well aware, still remains unstable, turbulent, and we therefore agreed that the movement of macroeconomic indicators will permanently be the focus of our attention - our special attention," the head of state pledged.
Putin clarified that this was vital both during the adoption of the budget law and during its implementation, "to make timely, prompt adjustments and refinements to economic, infrastructural and social development programs, and launch extra measures to support the population if possible," the president said.
The current meeting is the final one on the topic of reviewing the federal budget draft for 2022 and the planned period of 2023-2024, Putin noted. The government "accomplished a lot" when preparing this document, the leader noted.
"We have already considered the projection of Russia’s socio-economic development for the near future. Based on this forecast, plans are made for the income and expenditure part of the budget and the key parameters of the country’s main financial document are determined," Putin added.

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