, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Putin's Remarks On Russian Space Programs

Putin's Remarks On Russian Space Programs

Vladimir Putin delivers remarks on unique technologies for nuclear space energy, ground infrastructure, rocket launches, as well as on the creation of a Russian service orbital station at a meeting on development of the space industry, on Wednesday.

In the past few years, Russia have made considerable progress in developing unique technology for the nuclear space power industry. By expert estimates, Russia is six to seven years ahead of its rivals, ahead of the rest of the world.
"This is a very good foundation, and we must use this advantage, support breakthrough scientific research in cosmonautics and expedite the practical introduction of advanced technological solutions. We will discuss specific steps for this today," Putin said.
Russia leads in space launches. Last year, 17 carrier rockets were successfully launched and 15 carrier rockets have followed suit recently, this year.
"To maintain the lead in this area we must focus on high reliability in our domestic hardware – in both launching manned flights and delivering payloads into orbit. Finally, we must master the next generation of carrier rockets that meet all the requirements of our customers both domestically and in the international market, President noted.
Russian specialists are working on the idea of creating a Russian service orbital station. "Under the current agreements, the ISS will complete its flight in 2024. Although this term can be extended, we must look beyond the horizon of this decade, consider new challenges in the exploration of deep space and also our national plans for developing infrastructure and exploring our own vast territories, including the Arctic zone," Putin added.

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