, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Lavrov Believes Necessary To Withdraw All Foreign Troops From Libya

Lavrov Believes Necessary To Withdraw All Foreign Troops From Libya

Sergey Lavrov and his Egyptian counterpart Sameh Shoukry discussed the withdrawal of all foreign armed forces from Libya on Monday, the top Russian diplomat told a press conference on Monday.

"We touched upon the issue of the withdrawal from the country of all non-Libyan armed groups and military units. We have a clear position: these steps must be taken in stages and must be synchronized in time in order to avoid the risk of violating the existing balance of forces, owing to which a ceasefire has been maintained in Libya for already over a year," Lavrov told the news conference after the talks.
The top diplomat also stressed the role of Russia and Egypt in preparations for the Libyan national elections scheduled for December 24. According to him, it was emphasized at the talks that "further work towards unified government agencies and work to re-create the unified armed forces is needed." The top diplomats also confirmed the important role of the UN Support Mission in Libya.

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