, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Lavrov: G20 Nations Want Mutual Recognition Of Vaccination Certificates

Lavrov: G20 Nations Want Mutual Recognition Of Vaccination Certificates

The Group of Twenty nations want mutual recognition of COVID-19 vaccination certificates, Sergey Lavrov said on Sunday after the G20 summit.

"Obviously, the leaders want mutual recognition of vaccination certificates," he said.

He said he sees no connection between vaccination promotion and the fact that Russian President Vladimir Putin has not yet been revaccinated against the coronavirus infection.

"I see no connection," he said. "Many leaders in their speeches supported Russian President Vladimir Putin’s words about the vaccines."

In his video address to the G20 summit, the Russian president called for mutual recognition of vaccines and vaccination certificates. According to Putin, due to unfair competition not all world nations have access to vaccines until now.

In their joint declaration passed on Sunday after a two-day summit, the G20 leaders undertook to take efforts to ensure universal and equal access to vaccines. They also noted that they recognize the importance of common standards in international trips, including vaccination certificates and digital applications.

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