, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Lavrov Hopes Turkey Will Be Guided By Respect For Syria’s Sovereignty

Lavrov Hopes Turkey Will Be Guided By Respect For Syria’s Sovereignty

Russia hopes that Turkey will be guided by the principles of respect to Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity it has repeatedly declared, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Monday after talks with his Egyptian counterpart, Sameh Shoukry.

"As for the statement by Mr. [Turkish presidential spokesman Ibrahim] Kalin, I’d rather cite the statement by President [of Turkey Recep Tayyip] Erdogan who has said publicly more than once that Syria is an independent state and that Turkey will fully respect its sovereignty and territorial integrity. That is why, in the context of final settlement, we will proceed from the fact that Turkey will stick to this very position," he said, commenting on Kalin’s statement that Turkey had the same right to be present in Syria as Russia and the United States.
Speaking about foreign armed presence in Syria, Lavrov recalled United Nations Security Council Resolution 2254, which reiterates Syria’s sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity. "Under this resolution, only those armed forces that were invited by the legitimate government of Syria, a United Nations member, have the right to be present in that country. Naturally, it applies to US units. By the way, along with the regular army, there are numerous so-called private military companies. This should also be taken into account," he noted.

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