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Lavrov: Iran Ready For Prompt Resumption Of Nuclear Deal Talks

Iran is prepared for prompt resumption of negotiations in Vienna on restoring the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action for the Iranian nuclear program, Sergey Lavrov told a news conference following talks with his Iranian counterpart Hossein Amir Abdollahian on Wednesday.

"The world community is waiting for the United States to return to the legal space of the nuclear deal and to cancel the illegal restrictions against Iran and against all of its trading and economic partners," he said.
"We regard as hopeless and futile attempts by some countries to link the JCPOA with Tehran's consent to compromise on some issues having nothing to do with the deal," Lavrov stressed.
He pointed out that the situation in the region must be discussed beyond the JCPOA framework collectively at one negotiating table.
"This approach constitutes the basis of Russia's concept of security in the Persian Gulf. This document was made public at the UN General Assembly and the UN Security Council. We are calling upon the Iranian and Arab friends to keep moving closer together along the road of mutual discussions and coordination of any issues in response to the existing concerns," he added.
Negotiations have been underway in Vienna since April by Iran and the international quintet (Russia, Britain, Germany, China, and France) on restoring the Iranian nuclear deal to its original form. The sides have been discussing the issue of cancelling US sanctions against Iran, Tehran's compliance with its commitments in the nuclear sphere and the United States' return to the JCPOA.
Representatives from the countries that are parties to the agreement have been also holding separate consultations with US emissaries without Iran taking part. Originally the delegates had hoped to be through with this work at the end of May, and then in the first day of June. On September 21, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh said the talks on restoring the nuclear deal to the full extent would begin in Vienna within several weeks.

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