, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Lavrov: Russia Is Not Against US Participation In Donbass Talks, If It Supports Minsk-2

Lavrov: Russia Is Not Against US Participation In Donbass Talks, If It Supports Minsk-2

Russia will not object to the United States’ participation in talks on Donbass, if Washington supports the Minsk agreements, Sergey Lavrov said after a meeting with participants in the 18th annual meeting of the Valdai Discussion Club on Tuesday.

"If the Americans wish this, if they are really prepared to support the implementation of the Minsk agreements, then this business can be settled very quickly," he said.
Lavrov explained that it was unnecessary to be a member of a "quartet" or turn it into a group of five or seven to help achieve a settlement somehow.
"The Americans have a dominating influence on [Ukrainian President Vladimir] Zelensky and his team. For this reason, a dialogue with them should be maintained and such a dialogue has resumed: [US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria] Nuland has met with [Deputy Chief of the Russian Presidential Staff Dmitry] Kozak, who is in charge of the Ukrainian track and other issues concerning our near neighbors. They agreed to be in touch," Lavrov said.

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