, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Lavrov Urges EU, US To Really Contribute To Solution Of Kosovo Problem

Lavrov Urges EU, US To Really Contribute To Solution Of Kosovo Problem

Sergey Lavrov called on European Union and the United States to make real efforts to resolve the Kosovo issue at a press conference in Belgrade on Sunday following talks with Aleksandar Vucic.

Russia remains invariably in favour of resolving this matter based solely on UN Security Council Resolution 1244 and it be found as part of a direct dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, and this final decision be submitted to the UN Security Council for approval.
Russia remains invariably in favour of resolving this matter based solely on UN Security Council Resolution 1244 and it be found as part of a direct dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, and this final decision be submitted to the UN Security Council for approval. "President Putin has repeatedly underscored, and this remains our unwavering position, that we will accept any decision that suits Serbia and the Serbian people. of course, we are concerned by the provocation in northern Kosovo in late September. we appreciated the restraint and firmness of the Serbian leadership and personally President Vucic, "which made it possible to overcome this crisis and to put an end to the Kosovars’ provocative actions," Lavrov said.
"In our contacts with the European Union, we invariably talk about Brussels’ responsibility for the intermediary functions initiated by it, which the EU received by the resolution of the UN General Assembly. it is time to act upon the agreements that were reached long time ago in particular, back in 2013, on creating Serbian municipalities in Kosovo. conniving with the Kosovars’ attempts to “drag out” this decision, which is vital for the Serbian population of Kosovo, does not reflect well on the EU," he added.
Also, Russia presume that US will also use their influence - which is significant - on Pristina in order to ensure the normal course of the negotiating process and come to agreements that will be in line with UN Security Council Resolution 1244 and suit Serbia.
Sergey Lavrov exchanged views with President Vucic on the situation in the Balkans in general. "We operate on the premise that Serbia remains the most important factor of peace and stability in this region and its opinion should be taken into account in any negotiation format and discussions,"Minister noted.

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