, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Putin: Russian Opposition Is Alive And Well

Putin: Russian Opposition Is Alive And Well

The opposition, acting within the framework of Russian laws, continues to criticize the authorities, Vladimir Putin said in response to Hadley Gamble's question during Russian Energy Week on Wednesday.

"As for the opposition in general, it is out there working. It is alive and well and continues criticising the authorities. Moreover, its criticism, let me repeat, is probably tougher than in other countries. switch on some Russian media and you will understand everything. They are working; nobody is doing anything to them, everything is all right. Moreover, they are even getting money from Gazprom. Gazprom sells gas to Europe and funds opposition media," Putin said.
The President also briefly mentioned the criminal case against Alexei Navalny, however, as always, he did not call him by name.
"As for the defendants you mentioned [Navalny], they are in detention facilities not for their political activities but for criminal offences, in part, against foreign entrepreneurs operating in Russia. these were repeat offences. moreover, they were actually forgiven for these violations more than once. but there must be some consequences for those who commit them. there is no reason to abuse the trust of society to achieve economic or other advantages, using political activities for protection," Putin noted. Vladimir Putin added: "If you look at street protests, you will see that far from all of their participants are in prison. people are working – those who do not violate applicable laws."

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