, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Putin: US Democracy Is More Flawed Than Russian

Putin: US Democracy Is More Flawed Than Russian

Russian democracy has flaws, but that doesn't mean it has more than the United States and in the West in general, Vladimir Putin said in response to Hadley Gamble's question during Russian Energy Week on Wednesday.

Democracy, according to Putin, is understood in different ways: freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of organisation, holding mass rallies in the streets, and so on.
"When various rallies in Europe or the United States are dispersed with rubber bullets and tear gas – is it freedom or not ? It does not look very much like freedom," Russian lider noted.
The United States went to Afghanistan ignoring the traditions, culture and history of the Afghan people. This led to tragedy.
"The danger of terrorism growing and spreading across the region and around the world is enormous and has increased. it is the result of ignoring the realities of that country," Putin said. This applies to any country, including Russia.
"If we are talking about the development of democracy in Russia, we must be mindful of its culture and traditions, including the traditions of parliamentarism," he added.
Everything must guarantee the interests of the people, and Russia’s political system is also evolving steadily so as to prevent any revolutions.
"We have reached our limit on revolutions. we need a stable and calm environment that guarantees the rights and interests of the Russian people and stable development of the economy and social sphere. thankfully, we are on this path today and I hope that we will continue that way. The worries about the death of democracy in Russia have been greatly exaggerated, as Mark Twain famously said in response to rumours about his death. do not worry about us and better think about yourself and what is going on at your home," Putin said.
Vladimir Putin raised the issue of lobbying in the United States.
"What is lobbying about ? What is official lobbying in the United States about ? It is legalised corruption, that is what it is, it is clear as day," Putin stressed.

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