, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Putin's Remarks On Science And Technology Support For Agriculture Development

Putin's Remarks On Science And Technology Support For Agriculture Development

Agriculture is becoming a high-technology industry in the full sense of the word, Vladimir Putin said on Monday, at the meeting on science and technology support for the development of agriculture.

Many processes have been largely automated, and the use of digital solutions, mathematical modelling, artificial intelligence and big data are growing. Interdisciplinary specialties like bioinformatics, biophysics and biochemistry continue to be developed. This means that in the agrarian sector new knowledge and solutions are born at the confluence of various sciences. "As a matter of fact, similar processes are unfolding in all areas of knowledge, and agriculture is one of them," he added.
Putin noted the high performance of the domestic agro-industrial complex, which is the result of systemic changes in Russian agriculture.
"It has become very up to date, relying on advanced technologies and innovations," President stressed.

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