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Putin's Video Address To East Asia Summit

Vladimir Putin addressed, via videoconference, the 16th East Asia Summit, on Wednesday.

Vladimir Putin has suggested setting up a regional mechanism for cooperation in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic under the aegis of the East Asia Summit.

"We suggest establishing a regional mechanism for cooperation in the fight against the pandemic under the aegis of the East Asia Summit," he said, addressing the summit via video link on Wednesday. Putin added that Russia would present "specific proposals on the matter through expert channels in the near future."

According to the Russian president, "the need to provide people with mental healthcare services and psychological support is crucial amid the pandemic and related severe restrictions, including quarantines and self-isolation." "This is why we undoubtedly support an initiative to adopt a separate statement on the matter at today's meeting, presented by Brunei's Chairmanship," Putin added.

Russia is interested in cooperation on digitalization with the countries of the Asia-Pacific region, Putin said.
"We are interested in the closest cooperation on digitalization with the states represented at the East Asia Summit," he said.

Putin noted that digital technologies offer exceptional help in solving the complicated task of strengthening connectivity in the region, developing infrastructure and trade, as well as transport and logistics corridors.
"We count on a high return from the Innovations for Smart and Sustainable Cities in Russia and ASEAN project, which is being launched through our dialogue partnership with the Association. Our capital Moscow, which is in the world’s top seven smart cities, will take an active part in it," the head of state said.
Russia’s proposal regarding a moratorium on the deployment of intermediate- and shorter-range missiles remains on the table and is becoming increasingly relevant, Putin said.

"As you know, Russia declared a unilateral moratorium on the deployment of intermediate- and shorter-range missiles in the Asia Pacific Region and other regions of the world, and called for a serious conversation on this issue with all interested states," Putin said.

The head of state underscored that "this Russian proposal remains on the table, and it is only becoming more relevant."

The Russian leader stated that it is important to maintain joint efforts on regional stability and security while sorting out pressing socio-economic problems. According to Putin, this is even more relevant, because the number of threats and challenges in the Asia Pacific Region keeps growing instead of decreasing, with old conflicts escalating as new conflicts pop up.

"In particular, we have repeatedly noted that, after the INF Treaty ceased to exist, the region faced the probability of these strike weapons appearing on its vast territory, and, accordingly, the prospect of a new round of the arms race," the Russian leader said.

Putin emphasized that Russia has consistently advocated the establishment of an atmosphere of equal and indivisible security in the Asia Pacific Region, the strengthening of a constructive cooperation atmosphere based on the principles of international law, including respect for sovereignty, equality and mutual consideration of interests.

"In our opinion, this is the only way to curb existing and emerging threats, solve problems that are highly relevant for our region and the entire global community, and to efficiently cooperate in the interest of sustainable development and the improvement of people’s welfare," he concluded, assuring that Russia would continue to contribute to such joint work.

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