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Vladimir Putin Answers Headley Gamble's Questions On Sidelines Of Russian Energy Week

Improving the welfare of Russian citizens, attitude towards international alliances, refusal to settle in dollars. This and not only Vladimir Putin gave a detailed interview to the journalist of the CNBC TV channel at the Russian Energy Week. Hadley Gamble moderated the plenary session with the President and did not miss the opportunity to ask him questions after the event.

An interview with the Russian President on the sidelines of Russian Economic Week takes place practically on the go. the cameraman does not have time to adjust the camera, but CNBC reporter Hadley Gamble is already asking the first question, traditional for American journalists: who can replace Vladimir Putin as president?

“I prefer not to answer such questions, this is my traditional answer. there is still a lot of time before the next elections. Conversations on this topic are destabilizing the situation. The situation must be calm and stable so that all government bodies, all state structures work confidently and calmly look into the future. Yes, the Constitution allows me to do this, to run for the next term, but no decisions have been made on this score yet, ” Vladimir Putin said.

Hadley Gamble had already asked Vladimir Putin questions at the plenary session of the Russian Energy Week a few minutes earlier. An American journalist moderated a two-hour discussion on global energy: they talked about stagnation, inflation, military conflicts and global problems. However,  when the journalist asked Putin to identify the main problem for him, she received such an answer:

“For us, the most important problem and the most important task that we must solve is raising the incomes of the citizens of the country. This is our main, main task, and we are not going to solve it with simple linear methods. To do this, we must ensure the growth of economic development rates and changes in its quality. This is a long-term task. We are not going to act with populist methods, but it is on the basis of qualitative economic growth that we are going to solve the main social problems, including increasing the incomes of Russian citizens and solving the second very important the demographic problem for us, ” Putin noted.

A topic that the American journalist simply could not ignore is Russia's departure from the dollar. the Central Bank has already reduced its share in reserves, and settlements with partners are also increasingly being conducted in other currencies.

“It seems to me that the United States is making a very big mistake by using the dollar as a sanctions instrument. And they do this because they prevent payments in dollars for the sanctioned products. We have no other choice, we are simply forced to switch to settlements in other currencies. This is the first thing. And second, when other countries see what is happening, they themselves have anxiety that the dollar can be used in their relation to the same way. The result is that even the closest partners and allies of the United States in their reserves are reducing the share of the dollar, this is a statistical fact. In this regard, we can say that the United States is sawing the branch on which they sit, because this is the absolute competitive advantage of the dollar as a universal reserve world currency, they undermine it in this way, in the interests of the momentary political situation, "the Russian president said.

The friendship between Russia and China has long troubled the United States, so this question could not but be raised in an interview. Moreover, over the past month, the whole world has been discussing the creation of a new alliance between Australia, Great Britain and the United States, in fact, created to counter Chinese influence in the Indo-Pacific region.

Hadley Gamble: “Chinese President Xi Jinping calls you his best friend. are you concerned about what you see regarding AUKUS - an alliance of Australia, the US and the UK? Is this creating potential tensions and is it fraught with a new Cold War?"

Vladimir Putin: “I also consider President Xi Jinping to be my friend, we have been working together for many years and are achieving good results both in the field of political interaction and in the economic sphere. I believe that this benefits both the people of China and the people of Russia and balances, creates a certain stability in international affairs. The creation of some blocs, including the one you mentioned, AUKUS, undoubtedly undermines regional stability, because, in my opinion, it is good to be friends with each other, but to be friends against someone is this is bad. This undermines stability."

Hadley Gamble was also interested in Middle East issues. How does Russia interact with OPEC to stabilize the energy market?

“As for our efforts to stabilize the global energy market, yes, all this is happening in a rather tough regime: we argue with each other, defend our positions, but we find, until now, we have found balanced solutions acceptable to all parties. And our partners, although they are leaders in the production and sale of oil, still make plans for green energy. We are talking with them about the opportunity to invest funds, large resources in new technologies and new sources of energy, ”Vladimir Putin said.

At the end of the interview, the American reporter prepared another question that is traditional for Western journalists: "What about Mr. Navalny?"

Vladimir Putin: “The citizen you mentioned is in prison. Besides him, there are other people who have also violated Russian laws, and we are not going to put anyone in any exclusive conditions, including those who hiding behind political activities."

Already briefly, Vladimir Putin and Hadley Gamble discussed even cryptocurrencies. According to the Russian president, so far they are too unstable and this prevents them from being used for calculations. However, dollar inflation this year is also higher than usual. On the eve, US Congress, another decision was made to raise the government debt ceiling. And this, according to the Russian president, makes all participants in the global market be on the alert.

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