, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Zakharova Responds To Denmark’s Bramsen Statement On Baltic Sea Region S...

Zakharova Responds To Denmark’s Bramsen Statement On Baltic Sea Region S...

Russia recommends to Danish partners try and restore Russian-Danish relations, which were practically destroyed through their efforts, and launch specific initiatives to strengthen trust and to reduce the potential for conflict in the Baltic Sea, given the unprecedented buildup of NATO activity in that region, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Wednesday at the briefing.

Russia have to draw your attention to the Danish authorities’ consistent advocacy of anti-Russian approaches towards establishing interaction in the Baltic Sea region.
Denmark’s Defence Minister Trine Bramsen noted at the conference Baltic Sea Security towards 2035 in Copenhagen that the security situation in the Baltic Sea noticeably degraded over the last 30 years. she attributed this to the idea that Russia allegedly “has chosen a path different from the European one” and “behaves aggressively.”
"The Danish side failed as usual to provide arguments in support of its groundless accusations," Zakharova added.

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