, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Lavrov Blames NATO, EU For Migration Crisis At Belarus-Poland Border

Lavrov Blames NATO, EU For Migration Crisis At Belarus-Poland Border

Migration crisis at Belarus’ border with Poland and Lithuania stems from the policy NATO and EU countries have been pursuing in the Middle East and North Africa for years, trying to impose a better life and the Western vision of democracy on them," Sergey Lavrov said on Tuesday, adding that Iraq, Libya, and Syria fell victim of this policy.

"These reckless actions generated unprecedented flows of refugees. So, while making any steps, it is necessary to remember where it all originated from and who is to blame for it," he stressed.
Also, Sergey Lavrov has called on the European Union countries to avoid double standards in addressing the migration crisis at Belarus’ border with Poland and Lithuania.
"It is necessary to avoid double standards in this situation and use a common approach in what concerns the EU nations’ position," he said.
"It is inadmissible to use different standards to Poland and Italy when Brussels considers the issue how Warsaw and Rome are behaving in relation to migrant influxes. It is also necessary to avoid double standards in relation to the countries where the refugees are coming from," Lavrov stressed.
The Russian top diplomat recalled that when refugees were reaching Europe from Turkey, the European Union allocated funds to keep them in Turkey. "why cannot they help Belarus like this ?
Belarus also needs money to ensure normal conditions for the refugees Lithuania and Poland are reluctant to let in. these people don’t want to stay in Belarus or Turkey, they want to go to Europe, which has been advertising its lifestyles for years. one should be accountable for one’s actions," he added.
More than 30,000 migrants have tried to cross the Polish-Belarusian border since the beginning of 2021. Warsaw has imposed a state of emergency in regions bordering Belarus. It regularly reinforces border troops, with over 10,000 positioned near the border. The Polish side has also built a barbed wire fence to be later replaced by a solid 5-meter-tall wall equipped with sensors and other tools.
On Monday, several thousand migrants approached the Polish border. Some of them tried to tear down the fence and break through into Poland. So far, Polish law enforcers are managing keep them off the country’s territory.

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