, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Lavrov Notes Fidel's Contribution To New World Order At Talks With Cuba's Cabrisas

Lavrov Notes Fidel's Contribution To New World Order At Talks With Cuba's Cabrisas

During a meeting with Deputy Prime Minister of Cuba Ricardo Cabrisas, Sergey Lavrov noted Fidel Castro's contribution not only to Russian-Cuban strategic ties, but also to the creation of principled approaches to organizing a new, just world order not only in the Latin America region and the Caribbean, but the world at large, on the eve of the fifth anniversary of the he death on Wednesday.

Ricardo Cabrisas said that today's visit to Moscow reminded him of his first meeting with the Russian capital back in 1963.
"It's like first love," the Russian minister remarked with a smile.

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