, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Lavrov: Policy Towards Containing Russia, Belarus Reflects NATO’s Long-Term Strategy

Lavrov: Policy Towards Containing Russia, Belarus Reflects NATO’s Long-Term Strategy

Moscow and Minsk have serious grounds to believe that NATO’s policy towards deterring Russia and Belarus reflect the bloc’s long-term strategy, Sergey Lavrov told a press conference on Wednesday.

"We have serious grounds to believe that the continued policy towards the so-called deterrence of our countries and NATO’s practical measures to move its military infrastructure to the borders of the Union State reflect the long-term strategy of that military and political alliance," Russia’s top diplomat said, following the results of a board meeting of the Russian and Belarusian Foreign Ministries.

"We have common positions repeatedly outlined by our presidents as to how we will react to such utterly unfriendly actions that disrupt all previous agreements," Lavrov said.

As Russia’s top diplomat pointed out, Russia and Belarus agreed on continued and deeper coordination both within the UN and the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO). "And also with regard to our joint approaches towards the unfriendly activity that both Washington and Brussels are carrying out towards Russia and Belarus," Lavrov said.

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