, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Peskov Castigates POLITICO's Claims Of Russian ‘Military Buildup Near Ukraine’

Peskov Castigates POLITICO's Claims Of Russian ‘Military Buildup Near Ukraine’

Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov advised journalists on Tuesday not to waste any time on reading such fake news as reports about Russian military hardware allegedly amassing "near the borders with Ukraine."

It is not even worth commenting on the quality of these reports and generally such news should be ignored. The reports talk about the border with Ukraine, yet they show the border with Belarus. The quality itself serves as perfect proof that time should not be wasted on getting acquainted with such cheap fake news," the Russian presidential spokesman said, commenting on an article published in the US-based Politico media outlet.
The movements of Russian military equipment and troops inside the country is solely Moscow’s internal affair, Peskov stressed.
"Russia has never threatened anyone, nor is it threatening anyone, and what’s more it poses no danger to anyone. Rather, Russia is a country that has always taken and will continue taking measures to ensure its own security given the quite aggressive expansionist tendencies, especially from NATO and some other countries," the Kremlin press secretary pointed out.
The US-based Politico magazine earlier reported that commercial satellite images showed military hardware and ground troops allegedly amassing near the town of Yelnya in the Smolensk Region. The units included the elite 1st Guards Tank Army. As the media outlet claimed, the deployment marked a "clear deviation from the 1st Guards Tank Army’s standard training pattern." Politico also alleged that Russia was once again massing troops and military equipment on the border with Ukraine.

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