, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Russia Сondemns US, EU Statements On Non Recognition Of Nicaraguan Elections

Russia Сondemns US, EU Statements On Non Recognition Of Nicaraguan Elections

Russia condemns the statements made by the United States, the European Union and some other states that they do not recognize the November 7 election in Nicaragua, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said at a briefing on Wednesday.

"We condemn the comments made by the United States, the European Union and a number of other countries concerning the non-recognition of the results of the election [in Nicaragua]. It is clear that these statements have no legal validity for Nicaragua. We will be still fully supporting the Nicaraguans in defending their right to sovereign and independent development," she said.

"We will be boosting and enhancing the Russian-Nicaraguan strategic partnership, and will be working towards implementing socially-oriented cooperation projects," the diplomat added.

On Sunday, Nicaragua held general elections. More than 4.5 million voters turned up to the polls to elect the president, vice-president as well as the members of Nicaragua’s National Assembly (unicameral parliament) and the Central American Parliament. Incumbent President Daniel Ortega has secured about 75% of the vote, with half of the ballots counted.

US President Joe Biden bashed the election procedure in Nicaragua, labeling the elections as "neither free nor fair," and the European Union echoed that it would not recognize their results. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov referred to the West’s policy towards Nicaragua as unacceptable and worthy of severe criticism.

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