, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Shoigu Says NATO’s Activity Near State Borders Prompts Russia To Combat Potential

Shoigu Says NATO’s Activity Near State Borders Prompts Russia To Combat Potential

NATO’s growing activity near the Russian borders prompts the need to maintain the nuclear forces’ combat readiness and bolster the non-nuclear deterrence potential, including the provision of the troops with precision weapons and effective destruction capabilities, Sergey Shoigu said on Wednesday.

"The tense military and political situation in the world and NATO’s increased activity near the Russian borders prompt the need to further develop the armed forces qualitatively," the defense chief said at the ministry’s board meeting.
The Russian defense minister highlighted as priorities in developing the armed forces the tasks of "raising their combat capability, maintaining the nuclear forces’ combat readiness and strengthening the non-nuclear deterrence forces."
"Today we will hear how these tasks are resolved with regard for the provision with precision weapons, effective destruction capabilities and advanced armaments and hardware," Shoigu said.

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