, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Zakharova: 'Russia’s Threat To Ukraine' Are A Provocation To Create Tensions

Zakharova: 'Russia’s Threat To Ukraine' Are A Provocation To Create Tensions

The claims of Russia’s threat to Ukraine advanced by the United States, NATO and Kiev should be viewed only as provocations to create tension, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Thursday.

When asked about the CNN statement, the Russian diplomat noted that this representative of the Western MSM cannot be regarded as a source of truthful information.
"If you watch CNN, you should know that we have ‘invaded’ Ukraine several times. And ‘tanks are ploughing through Ukrainian fields.’ According to CNN, this has been happening for many years now. What a mess we have made there. So you had better stop using this channel as a reliable source of information. We have had to disavow their reports many times and have caught them red-handed with fake news," Zakharova said.
The NATO countries and the US claim they stand for the soonest resolution of the conflict in Donbass, but in fact are pumping Ukraine with weapons to be used against those Kiev calls its citizens and who it allegedly cares about.
"For the sake of these people, the Kiev regime begs the international community to constantly provide assistance and protect them from Russia. all this is done in the name of the same people they use weapons against, weapons provided by the West. it is a horrific vicious circle. and more than just weapons, the US, NATO and Ukrainian Armed Forces continue to conduct military exercises. a global military absorption of the country is underway,"she added.
The Minsk agreements have long been forgotten. Everything related to human rights is no longer relevant in Ukraine, and it seems that all of their declarations, statements and rules that have human rights components are used everywhere except Ukraine.

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