, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Actions By US AF Over The Black Sea Created Threat For Civil Aviation

Actions By US AF Over The Black Sea Created Threat For Civil Aviation

Rosaviatsia (Russian Federal Air Transport Agency) will send a protest after a dangerous incident with a NATO spy plane over the Black Sea. The US military aircraft performed risky maneuvers: it was sharply descending by two kilometers at once, and randomly crossed the routes of civilian aircraft.

Federal Air Transport Agency: “The increased intensity of NATO aircraft flights near the borders of the Russian Federation, including over the Black Sea, creates the risk of dangerous incidents in relation to civil aircraft. Considering that the above-mentioned flights of military aircraft without radio communication carry risks for the safety of flights of civil aircraft in the Black Sea region, the Russian aviation authorities will initiate a protest through diplomatic channels. "

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