, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Kremlin Views Putin-Biden Video Summit Positively

Kremlin Views Putin-Biden Video Summit Positively

The Kremlin positively assessed the video format in which the Russia-USA summit took place.

Russia-USA summit took place. According to the presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov, a special secure communication channel allowed Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden to have a frank conversation. 

Taking into account the special responsibility that Moscow and Washington bear for maintaining international stability, the parties intend to continue the dialogue. However, according to Peskov, it is too early to talk about specific dates for the next contacts.

The videoconference between Putin and Biden lasted two hours. Most of the conversation was devoted to Ukrainian issues. The Russian leader gave concrete examples of Kiev's destructive actions, which are aimed at "complete dismantling" of the Minsk agreements. Putin also mentioned Ukrainian initiatives that are increasing pressure on the Russian language.

As for bilateral relations, Moscow offers Washington to nullify all restrictions on the work of diplomatic missions, especially since difficulties on the diplomatic front arose not through Russia's fault.
Another hot topic is NATO's eastward expansion. Putin made it clear that Russia is interested in reliable guarantees that this will not happen.

“Putin said bluntly that we are worried about the buildup of military activity by Ukraine and NATO in the immediate vicinity of the Russian borders. He talked about the recent exercises in the Black Sea, which the exercises were conducted by the national group of the armed forces of NATO. In this regard, of course, he set out our views that we need certain guarantees, including guarantees of a legal nature, that ensure our security,"Aide to the President of the Russian Federation Yuri Ushakov said.

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