, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Lavrov Says West Is Notorious For Empty Talk And Endless Discussions

Lavrov Says West Is Notorious For Empty Talk And Endless Discussions

What matters the most is that there is less empty talk, so that they don’t water down our proposals in endless discussions, which is something the West knows how to do and is notorious for, Sergey Lavrov said, answering a question from Vladimir Solovyov about the upcoming security talks with the US and NATO in January.

"These diplomatic efforts must yield results. Even more importantly, these results must be achieved within a determined timeframe. we did not put forward any ultimatums. however, engaging in never-ending talks during which the West once again will make ambiguous promises, and will then definitely double-cross us down the road – we do no need that. in this context, the United States is our main negotiating party. it is with the United States that we will hold the main round of talks right after the New Year holidays,"he added.

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