, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Lavrov’s Remarks After OSCE Ministerial Council In Stockholm

Lavrov’s Remarks After OSCE Ministerial Council In Stockholm

Sergey Lavrov delivers remarks to media following the 28th OSCE Ministerial Council in Stockholm.

"The OSCE, by its name, should be about security and cooperation, not confrontation," Lavrov said. According to Lavrov, the situation in the OSCE is complicated, and it can even be called difficult. It reflects the negative trends taking shape in European security and cooperation.
Russia expressed concern over the attempts of a number of countries to impose a number of concepts on all others, such as the “rules-based order” and effective multilateralism, which place a certain group of Western countries above everyone else and promote a discriminatory approach towards international affairs. "We insist on the need to honour international law, which is a universal rule for all countries on our planet,"he added.
Military security in the Euro-Atlantic region continues to disintegrate. Only the Russian-US New START Treaty remains in force.
"Our American colleagues abrogated the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty and the Treaty on Open Skies. everyone is concerned about this, although few parties dare state the real causes of this situation,"Lavrov stressed.
The organisation that bears the name of Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe is torn by growing antagonisms and confrontationist rhetoric.
"Internal working processes are being hampered, and the political dialogue for whose purpose this Organisation was established is being complicated, making it impossible to reach compromises in obvious spheres where the interests of all participating countries coincide,"he said. A frank conversation is particularly important in these conditions.
"We can feel that there is an interest in overcoming this crisis and finding ways of increasing the OSCE’s efficiency,"Lavrov noted.

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