, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Modi-Putin New Delhi Summit 2021

Modi-Putin New Delhi Summit 2021

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s talks with India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi lasted for 3.5 hours.

The two men discussed bilateral relations, including joint efforts within the G20, BRICS and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the struggle with terrorism and Afghanistan.

Before the meeting, Putin said that Russia saw India as a great power with a friendly people and thanked Modi for his invitation. The Russian president spoke highly of bilateral cooperation in the economy, investment, energy, high, technology, space and other spheres. Putin stressed Russia’s intention to develop military cooperation with India.

For his part, Modi said that the pandemic had failed to slow down the pace of bilateral relations. He spoke highly of the efforts being exerted by Russia and India to resist the coronavirus infection, be it the testing of vaccines, their production or humanitarian assistance.

It was the first Putin-Modi meeting since 2019. The previous one took place in September 2019 when the Indian prime minister visited Vladivostok. A short while later, in November 2019 the two leaders met on the sidelines of the BRICS summit in Brasilia.

Vladimir Putin has invited Narendra Modi to pay a visit to Russia next year to attend the 22nd annual Russian-Indian summit, according to the joint statement issued after their talks in New Delhi and posted on the Kremlin website on Monday.

"President Vladimir Putin thanked Prime Minister Narendra Modi for the gracious hospitality extended to him and his delegation in New Delhi and invited him to visit Russia next year for the 22nd India-Russia Annual Summit," the document says.

According to the statement, "the Sides noted with satisfaction the coinciding and similar approaches to their foreign policy priorities and reaffirmed their commitment for further strengthening of the India-Russia Special and Privileged Strategic Partnership, both in the context of the current bilateral relations and in addressing regional and international issues."

Apart from that, Putin and Modi "expressed their mutual intention to strengthen and expand their bilateral relations for the benefit of the peoples of India and Russia".

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