, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Putin Says Donbass' Future Should Be Determined By Its Residents - Or 'Donbass Spring' Is Coming?

Putin Says Donbass' Future Should Be Determined By Its Residents - Or 'Donbass Spring' Is Coming?

The future of Donbass must be determined by the people who live in Donbass ...There is no other way, Vladimir Putin said on Thursday.

Isn't this statement by the Russian leader a rather transparent allusion to the self-determination of Donbass residents, following the example of the Crimeans? It looks like Putin is preparing the world community for the "Donbass spring," that is, for holding a referendum on self-determination and joining the Russian Federation this long-suffering territory.
Putin has repeatedly emphasized that Russia will not attack Ukraine (which is absolutely inconsistent with the hysteria in the Western media about this), but he will not be weak-willed to look at the military solution of this issue by the Kiev regime.
The President gives examples of the activities of the current Ukrainian authorities, which are directed in the opposite direction from the Minsk agreements, that is, from the peaceful solution of this issue, which also shows, in my opinion, a high probability of the scenario described above.

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