, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: RT's Simonyan: 'Tough Proposals On Russia's Security Guarantees Are An Ultimatum To NATO'

RT's Simonyan: 'Tough Proposals On Russia's Security Guarantees Are An Ultimatum To NATO'

Tough proposals on security guarantees for Russia are a real ultimatum to NATO and the United States, RT Editor-in-Chief Margarita Simonyan said on Russia 1 TV show 60 minutes.

"On the basis of what we see and know, and also on the basis of what we do not know, because I believe that a significant part of such information constitutes a state secret. so, if Russia has become so strong that it can do this (and we know that our President is a very cautious person, and he always measures his actions against his own strengths and capabilities, then this is very cool! This is very good news. And I congratulate our dear fellow citizens on this!"she added.

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