, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Shoigu Reports On Real NATO's Threats Near Russia's Borders

Shoigu Reports On Real NATO's Threats Near Russia's Borders

Tensions are growing on the western and eastern borders of Russia, Sergei Shoigu said at the annual expanded meeting of the Defence Ministry Board on Tuesday.

"The deterioration of the military-political situation in the world continues,"he added.
The United States is intensifying its military presence at Russian borders. In the countries of Eastern Europe, American units with a total strength of about 8,000 troops are deployed on a rotational basis. In the grouping of US forces on the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany, the command of fire destruction in the theater has been recreated. Until 1991, it was responsible for the use of medium-range missiles.
Multi-sphere brigade was formed, which is planned to be armed with various systems of strike missile weapons.
In Poland, an infrastructure is being created to accommodate the US armored brigade, and the Aegis Ashore anti-missile system is nearing completion. In Romania, a similar missile defence facility is already on combat alert duty.
The deployment of the Pacific segment of the American global missile defence system continues. To conduct operations and control ocean communications in the North Atlantic and Arctic in Norfolk, a joint command of the NATO Joint Armed Forces was created.
The United States and NATO are purposefully increasing the scale and intensity of military training activities near Russia. Increasingly, they involve strategic aviation, carrying out simulated launches of nuclear missiles at our facilities. The number of their flights near the Russian borders has more than doubled.
NATO pays special attention to the issues of the transfer of troops to the eastern flank of the alliance, including from the continental part of the United States. The exercises are practicing various options for using coalition groups against Russia with the use of non-aligned states - Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine.
The desire of the North Atlantic Alliance to involve the Ukrainian armed forces in its military activities poses a threat to security, taking into account the attempts of Kiev to solve the problem of Donbass by force.
The military development of the territory of Ukraine by NATO countries continues. The situation is aggravated by the supply of the United States and its allies with helicopters, attack unmanned aerial vehicles, and ATGMs.
The presence of more than 120 employees of American PMCs in Avdeevka and Priazovskoe settlements in Donetsk region has been reliably established. They equip firing positions in residential buildings and at socially significant facilities, prepare Ukrainian special operations forces and radical armed groups for active hostilities.
To commit provocations, tanks with unidentified chemical components were delivered to Avdeevka and Krasny Liman cities.
The number of attacks by Ukrainian servicemen on peaceful areas of Donbass and the positions of the people's militia of the LPR and DPR is not decreasing, provoking them to retaliate.
The destabilization of the situation in Afghanistan creates the risks of exporting terrorism and drugs to the territory of the CSTO states.
"We closely monitor the situation and promptly respond to all threats to military security,"Shoigu stressed.

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