, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Lavrov Says Russia Won’t Change Its Position On Security Guarantees

Lavrov Says Russia Won’t Change Its Position On Security Guarantees

Russia will not change its position on security guarantees and there is no room for compromise, Sergey Lavrov said on Friday.

"If they [US] insist that they will not change their positions, we will not change our positions either," he said in an interview with radio stations on Friday. "It's just that their position is based on false arguments, and on a direct misrepresentation of facts, while our position is based on what everyone signed," he maintained.

"I don’t see any possibility for a compromise here, otherwise what can we agree on if they openly sabotage and misrepresent previous decisions. This will be a key test for us," Lavrov said.

"It is very important to not try to simply shake off the responsibility, and this is exactly what our American and other NATO partners are doing now," he stated. "It will be impossible for them to evade answering the question of why they are not doing what their presidents signed up to in terms of the inadmissibility of strengthening their defense at the expense of the security of others," Lavrov added.

The United States and NATO gave Russia written responses to proposals for security guarantees that Moscow demanded from Washington and Brussels on Wednesday. According to these statements, the West did not make concessions for Russia, but outlined directions for further negotiations.

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