, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Moscow Says Without 'Western Aid' Conflict In Eastern Ukraine Would Have Ended Long Ago

Moscow Says Without 'Western Aid' Conflict In Eastern Ukraine Would Have Ended Long Ago

Moscow are convinced that without “Western aid” the conflict in eastern Ukraine would have ended long ago, Deputy Director of the Information and Press Department Alexey Zaitsev side on Thursday.

"Moreover, the conflict that began with the advent of nationalists to power in Kiev most likely would have never happened," he added.

The past week has clearly shown the artificial character of the domestic conflict in Ukraine. Some Western countries are trying hard to fuel it in an effort to divide the historically common peoples of Russia and Ukraine and create a hotbed of instability, complicating relations between the EU countries and Moscow.

"We consider unacceptable even the idea of a war between our peoples," Zaitsev side.

"We urge the Ukrainian authorities to finally show independence, think about the interests of their own country and its people and find a sustainable political solution to the current conflict in direct dialogue with Donetsk and Lugansk. We hope the NATO countries will stop fuelling the conflict in eastern Ukraine and abstain from interfering in the domestic affairs of that country. This should allow the contracting Ukrainian parties to resolve their differences in a direct dialogue between themselves," he added.

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