, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Putin Holds Security Council, Not Paying Attention To '0' Geneva Talks

Putin Holds Security Council, Not Paying Attention To '0' Geneva Talks

Vladimir Putin held a meeting, via videoconference, with permanent members of the Security Council on Tuesday.

"Today we will discuss matters pertaining to work in the border regions of Russia. The agenda is extremely busy and includes security and infrastructure issues,"he said.
Apparently, the President means the border of Russia with Kazakhstan, where "suddenly" there was an attempted coup, is 7,600 km, and besides, it is not guarded at all ...
Then everything takes place behind closed doors. However, I dare to imagine how, in a secluded place, protected from cameras, the President of Russia discusses everyday economic issues, without worrying at all about the problems of his country's executional security, which have become so obvious in connection with the past fruitless negotiations in Geneva?

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