, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Representatives Of Russia And NATO Meet In Brussels

Representatives Of Russia And NATO Meet In Brussels

Apparently, three and a half hours to discuss security guarantees between the Representatives of Russia and NATO countries in Brussels on Wednesday was not enough.

Moscow's demands are known - guarantees of NATO's non-expansion, a rollback of the alliance to the 1997 borders. This means that NATO must remove its military infrastructure, including from Poland and the Baltic states. The United States, in turn, must remove its nuclear weapons from Europe. It is also fundamentally important for Russia to obtain guarantees that Ukraine and Georgia will never join NATO.
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia Alexander Grushko, made a statement before the meeting: “It can be said without exaggeration that a moment of truth is coming in our relations with the alliance.
We will seek a specific, article-by-article reaction to the Russian draft agreement on guarantees."
The meeting was held in the main hall of the North Atlantic Council. It was attended by representatives of all 30 NATO member countries. And this is what NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said following the meeting: “NATO Allies stressed that they will do their utmost to find political avenues to move forward. I also welcome the bilateral consultations between the US and the Russian Federation, as well as the OSCE meeting tomorrow."
This could probably reduce the risk of military conflict. Stoltenberg argues that the alliance is interested in military and civilian channels of communication with Russia.
Meanwhile, US Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland Victoria Nuland has poured gasoline into the fire. The US is ready to discuss NATO membership with Sweden and Finland if they so choose. At the same time, she immediately accused Moscow of creating the crisis and said that in the place of the Russians, she would attend to education and medicine, and not send troops somewhere in the snow.
The answer was not long in coming. Maria Zakharova, in her Telegram channel, recalled both the quality of American education, which can be judged by errors in the statements of the White House, and about the healthcare system. In the United States, COVID-19 has actually killed almost twice as many people as in India, with its more than a billion people.
“You can find the necessary amount of money to solve the above American problems if, for example, reduce the American bases in Europe, which surround Russia in a tight ring both in“ cold winter ”and“ hot summer,””or stop allocating billions for color revolutions according to to the whole world and the content of impostors like Guaido or Tikhanovskaya ”wrote Maria Zakharova.

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