, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Russia, Germany, France Agreed On Ukraine's Participation In They New Contacts

Russia, Germany, France Agreed On Ukraine's Participation In They New Contacts

Russia, Germany and France expressed their commitment to the Minsk agreements and agreed on new contacts, including with the participation of Ukraine. This is the main result of the negotiations of the political advisers of the Normandy format, which ended the day before in the Moscow region.

The meeting lasted almost four and a half hours. It was important, as noted by the deputy head of the Russian presidential administration, Dmitry Kozak, to compare positions, including with the participation of the new German government

“We agreed on plans, on further contacts, including with the participation of the Ukrainian leadership, in order to end the conflict as soon as possible. It is harmful to create parallel formats of negotiations, because this disorganized the process of negotiations, since different shades of agreements may arise in different formats," Deputy Chief of Staff of the Russian President Dmitry Kozak said.

The meeting, initiated by our country, was held in Arkhangelskoye Estate Museum near Moscow. Before the start of negotiations, foreign delegations received a warm welcome. The advisers of the leaders of Germany and France were shown the famous manor and took a ride on a Russian sleigh. Then they also treated me to tea from a samovar.

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