, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Shoigu Chairs Military Acceptance Day In National Centre For State Defence Control

Shoigu Chairs Military Acceptance Day In National Centre For State Defence Control

On Thursday, Moscow hosted another Acceptance Day chaired by the General of the Army Sergei Shoigu at the National Centre for State Defence Control, it was dedicated to summing up the implementation of the state defenсe order in the third quarter in terms of arms supplies, military hardware and the construction of military infrastructure facilities.

As the Minister of Defence noted, last year, despite the restrictions associated with the coronavirus infection, reliable and proper work of industrial enterprises and military authorities was organized, and the set pace for the implementation of the state defence order was ensured.
In 2021, the Armed Forces received more than five thousand new and modernized types of weapons, military and special equipment, among them: 900 armored combat vehicles; three modern submarines, including the Knyaz Oleg nuclear submarine armed with Bulava ballistic missiles; 4 surface ships, 10 combat boats, 17 vessels and support boats;151 units of new and modernized aviation equipment, including 77 aircraft, 29 helicopters, 45 complexes with unmanned aerial vehicles; four upgraded Tu-95MS missile carriers; three Bastion coastal missile systems; Pantsir-S anti-aircraft missile and gun systems; S-400 Triumph and S-350 Vityaz anti-aircraft missile systems.
The re-equipment of the first missile regiment with the Avangard missile system with intercontinental ballistic missiles equipped with hypersonic glide wing units has been completed. A separate aviation regiment was formed, armed with MiG-31I(K) aircraft with the Kinzhal hypersonic missile.
Thus, the equipping of the army and navy with modern weapons has increased to 71.2%, and strategic nuclear forces to 89.1%. The serviceability of military equipment is maintained at 95%.
"I note that it is intensively used and has proven itself well in the course of various combat readiness checks, exercises, training, military applied competitions" Shoigu added.
Regarding the issue of building facilities for the needs of the Armed Forces, the head of the military department said that in 2021, 3030 buildings and structures were built and put into operation.
Priority measures were implemented within the framework of the State Armaments Program.
More than 690 objects of forces and means of nuclear deterrence have been built.
Places have been equipped to accommodate weapons and equipment entering the troops.
In the interests of the Strategic Missile Forces, silo launchers of strategic missile systems were put on combat duty in the Kaluga and Orenburg regions.
Events continue in Novosibirsk, Nizhny Tagil, Irkutsk, Teikovo and other regions.
As part of the deployment of the Unified Space System, the construction of facilities for the Western modernized command post has been completed.
The development of the airfield network, the Navy’s basing system and the infrastructure of the Arctic group continues.
The implementation of measures in the military districts and in the Northern Fleet made it possible to: ensure the placement of personnel and military equipment in the funds of residential and park areas of military camps; improve the material and technical base of educational institutions of the Ministry of Defence; improve the quality of housing conditions and medical services for servicemen and their families.
“All the tasks set for the military construction complex in 2021 have been completed in full,” the Minister of Defence emphasized. “Thus, a systematic approach to the implementation of the planned activities made it possible to ensure the qualitative development of the Armed Forces.”
The event continued with presentations by Deputy Ministers of Defence of the Russian Federation Alexei Krivoruchko and Timur Ivanov.
Summing up, I would like to note that equipping the Armed Forces with the latest models of military equipment makes it possible to ensure the military security of our country and guaranteed protection of its national interests.
"The President of Russia set the task to bring the level of modernity of weapons, military and special equipment to 72.7% by the end of the year. For its implementation, it is necessary to continue the practice of concluding long-term contracts with advanced financing for all major types of weapons, including high-tech weapons," Head of the Military Department said .
The military construction complex is to put into operation 3,000 buildings and structures in key areas of development of the infrastructure of troops (forces) in accordance with the Action Plan of the Ministry of Defence until 2025, the State Armaments Program for 2018-2027 and the state defence order.

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