, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: United Russia Asks Russian Authorities To Provide Military Aid To Donbass

United Russia Asks Russian Authorities To Provide Military Aid To Donbass

The United Russia political party asked the Russian leadership to provide aid to Lugansk and Donetsk People’s Republics (LPR and DPR) and ship military products, necessary to deter aggression and protect their citizens, the United Russia Duma faction leader Vladimir Vasilyev announced Wednesday.

"We address the leadership of our country, [asking] to provide aid to Lugansk and Donetsk Republics in form of shipment of military produce necessary to deflect military aggression and to take all necessary measures to ensure the security of the citizens," Vasilyev said, according to the party press office.

"We are concerned with protection of lives of Russian citizens and compatriots living in DPR and LPR. We held consultations in the Duma Council and in the faction, and came to an understanding that we cannot leave the people to the mercy of the Kiev regime," Vasilyev added.

According to the politician, NATO actions "are no longer simply worrying, they are truly alarming and bewildering." "To orchestrate a hysteria in the global media and to pump Ukraine with Western lethal weapons at the same time is very dangerous," Vasilyev underscored.

He noted that Ukraine today receives missile systems, grenade launchers and other armaments, as well as "instructors, who teach how to use these systems." "This is a big danger, this is preparation for hostilities, undoubtedly. For hostilities against civilians who live there," Vasilyev said.

He added that Russia cannot allow an "extermination of people."

"We’ve been waiting for a long time for reason to prevail in Washington, but this does not happen. We hear only about sanctions and about weapons coming to the conflict area. The scenario, displayed by the collective West in Ukraine, looks like a return to Nazism and times of [Stepan] Bandera. We cannot put up with this," Vasilyev underscored.

"United Russia is watching with great concern the pumping of Western lethal weapons into Ukraine. Almost all leading NATO countries do this, and they do it on a very large scale. The number of shellings in the Lugansk and Donetsk regions has increased many times, civilians are dying, and at this time, Western curators are pushing the Ukrainian junta to a direct invasion of the Donbass. They arm the national battalions, for whom Bandera and Hitler are heroes, and the swastika is their respected sign. I believe that under these conditions, Russia should provide the Lugansk and Donetsk People's Republics with the necessary assistance in the form of the supply of certain types of weapons to increase their defense capability and deter the military aggression clearly being prepared by Kiev. We must stop the Kiev regime," Secretary of the General Council of United Russia Andrey Turchak said.

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