, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Zakharova Сlaims US Officials Themselves Do Not Understand What They Are Saying

Zakharova Сlaims US Officials Themselves Do Not Understand What They Are Saying

US officials invariably mention the US education system as one of their achievements. But their statements cast doubts on this claim. They either don’t understand the reality, or don’t know facts or are unable to draw conclusions based on the available facts, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Thursday.

"It is impossible to accept what our US partners are saying because of their complete disregard for the situation in Belarus, its reality and everything that is taking place around it and on its border. Moreover, they are highlighting a certain political component and are citing “facts” that are not facts at all. It is impossible to go into detail on these issues," she said, answering the agency's Belta question. Zakharova gave an example confirming her point of view.
"The US President held a news conference yesterday. Just take a look at the questions about Ukraine the journalists asked. They said clearly (their words cannot be interpreted in any other way) that Russia is ready to attack Ukraine. They presented this assumption as a hard fact. Moreover, they used it to ask the US President about the US response and possible plans to repel Russia. But this assumption is not a fact. Planted in the US information space through leaks, sources and official statements, this assumption has proliferated, has become a subject for analysis in the media, and is now formulated as a question for the US politicians. There is a difference between reality and assumptions, but assumptions have been repeated so often that they are now presented as reality and facts," she noted. Much of what Washington representatives are saying now is something even their American colleagues find hard to understand.
"The other day, Victoria Nuland mentioned 18 response scenarios in case Russia attacks Ukraine. It looks as if this shocked everyone, including the US State Department, the White House and US security agencies. What 18 scenarios? Where did she get them? Nobody could answer this question when people started asking," she added.
"Such statements are cut from the same cloth," she stressed.

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