, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Defence Ministry Reveals 821 Ukrainian Military Facilities Were Crippled By Russia’s Strikes

Defence Ministry Reveals 821 Ukrainian Military Facilities Were Crippled By Russia’s Strikes

In total, the Russian Armed Forces hit 821 objects of the military infrastructure of Ukraine, Defense Ministry Spokesman Igor Konashenkov told reporters reported on Saturday.

Among them: 14 military airfields, 19 control points and communication centers, 24 S-300 and Osa anti-aircraft missile systems, 48 radar stations.
Downed: 7 combat aircraft, 7 helicopters, 9 unmanned aerial vehicles.
87 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 28 multiple rocket launchers, 118 units of special military vehicles were destroyed.
The forces of the Russian Navy destroyed 8 military boats of the Ukrainian Navy.
Russian Armed Forces, expanded the areas of the breakthrough in the enemy's defence during the day and continue to develop the success of the offensive.
The grouping of troops of the Luhansk People's Republic advanced to a depth of 30 kilometers and captured the settlements of Bakhmutovka and Grechishkino.
Formations and military units of the Donetsk People's Republic, advancing in the direction of Novomayskoye, covered another 6 kilometers.
Nationalist battalions, retreating, blow up power substations and bridges across rivers behind them. The units of the Russian Armed Forces have established full control over the city of Melitopol. Russian servicemen are taking all measures to ensure the safety of civilians and exclude provocations by Ukrainian special services and nationalists.
During the night, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation struck with high-precision long-range weapons using air- and sea-based cruise missiles at the objects of the military infrastructure of Ukraine.
"I would like to emphasize once again that the fire is conducted only on the objects of the military infrastructure of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, excluding damage to residential and social infrastructure. In total, the Russian Armed Forces hit 821 objects of the military infrastructure of Ukraine," Konashenkov stated.

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