, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Did Putin, Biden Discuss US Submarine Incident Russia’s Territorial Waters Near Kuril Islands?

Did Putin, Biden Discuss US Submarine Incident Russia’s Territorial Waters Near Kuril Islands?

The Russian and US presidents, Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden, did not discuss the incident with detecting a US submarine in Russia’s territorial waters near the Kuril Islands, Kremlin Aide Yury Ushakov told reporters.

"The issue was not touched upon in the presidents’ conversation," Ushakov said.

The Kremlin is aware about the incident and the Russian Defense Ministry "is taking the respective demarches."
According to the Defense Ministry, the US Navy’s Virginia-class submarine was detected on February 12, 2022 at 10.40 (Moscow Time) in the area of the Pacific Fleet’s drills near Urup Island of the Kuril Chain. The submarine ignored the demand to leave Russia’s territorial waters and left only after the appropriate means were used.

The Pacific Fleet’s ships continue the scheduled drills, including to ensure control in the underwater environment and thwart violations of Russia’s state border.

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