, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: 'Fights Without Rules' FM Lavrov VS CNN's Chance

'Fights Without Rules' FM Lavrov VS CNN's Chance

Exemplary incident occurred at a press conference of Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on Friday.

CNN Reporter Matthew Chance repeatedly tried to break into the air and ask the Russian minister a question, ignoring the rules of the event and his colleagues.
Lavrov scolded the journalist for the lack of elementary manners, while noting that this was probably a consequence of Matthew's long stay in Ukraine.
In the end, the poor fellow was given the floor.
"I am now in the capital of Ukraine. Recently, the outskirts of the city came under shelling. Does Russia plan to 'decapitate' the Ukrainian leadership and replace it with a pro-Russian one?" CNN reporter asked.
Irritated, Lavrov responded by recommending that the journalist, despite his "chaotic activity", read Putin's address, made the day before, in order to be aware of the Russian position on the special operation in Ukraine, which would avoid empty questions and save a lot of time for everyone.
"I realise that you have other things to worry about and would be hard pressed to read the statement describing Russia’s stance carefully. However, I encourage you to do so. Since you are in Ukraine, encourage your Ukrainian colleagues, primarily representatives of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, to read it," Lavrov noted.
According to top diplomat no one is going to attack the Ukrainian people, or to degrade Ukrainian servicemen. It is about not allowing neo-Nazis and those who promote genocidal methods to run that country. Currently, the Kiev regime is controlled by two external mechanisms: the US-led West and neo-Nazis who are promoting their “culture,” which is flourishing in modern Ukraine.
"I would like to ask you, a representative of the free media, a question: why, in all these past eight years, did no Western journalists regularly cover what was happening on the Ukrainian government-controlled western line of contact in Donbass? All the more so, if you are now that horrified by what is going on in Kiev. Has anyone from CNN ever been to Donbass? Have you seen schools being destroyed, or women carrying babies in their arms being killed? Have you seen carpet bombing of a children’s beach? Has anyone at all been there?" Lavrov stressed.

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