, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Putin Demands Radical Increase In Crime Detection From Internal Ministry

Putin Demands Radical Increase In Crime Detection From Internal Ministry

To achieve a radical increase in the detection of crimes in Russia, Vladimir Putin demanded at a meeting of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on Thursday.

"I would like to once again note the task to radically improve the crime detection rate. According to last year’s results, there has not been any significant progress here so far. This means that we need consistent and more effective work on all types of crimes that pose a threat to our society," he said.

These threats include new challenges related to crime seeping into the sphere of information technologies and communications. The number of crimes in this sphere is growing annually. Domestic companies suffer damage from the actions of cybercriminals. And more of Russians are facing a loss of funds and savings, with irreparable moral damage, which evokes a strong public response. Pensioners, large families and people with disabilities fall victim to criminals.

"Nothing is sacred to these people; their only goal is to steal money," Putin stressed.

Putin dwelled separately on the prevention of delinquency among young people.

"Protecting the younger generation from crime is the most important task for the development of the country and for its future,"he said.

A serious signal that requires a comprehensive analysis is the growth of crimes related to extremism. In 2021, their number increased by more than a quarter.

"Particular attention should be paid to neutralizing the attempts of extremists and all kinds of radicals to use the Internet (we are aware of this and are constantly talking about it), to use modern means to incite ethnic, religious and social hatred," Putin said.

An effective fight against extremism is directly related to solving problems in the migration sphere.
"Of course, we are glad to everyone who comes to us to study, work, just live, who observe, meanwhile, the laws of Russia and respect our culture and traditions," Putin added.

Unfortunately, many people and many children still die in traffic accidents. Mortality is high in accidents caused by drunk drivers, as well as as a result of collisions with pedestrians.

According to the President, increased attention, as before, should be paid to the decriminalization of the economy and the fight against corruption.

"Finally, it is important to step up the fight against illicit drug trafficking, including taking additional measures to strengthen the interaction of Interior Ministry units with their colleagues from the FSB and the Federal Customs Service, and improve international anti-drug cooperation, primarily within the framework of BRICS, the CSTO and the SCO," Putin said at the end.

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