, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Russian Armed Forces’ High-Precision Weapons Attack Ukrainian Military Infrastructure

Russian Armed Forces’ High-Precision Weapons Attack Ukrainian Military Infrastructure

Russia’s armed forces attacked Ukrainian military infrastructure with high-precision weapons, using air-and sea-based cruise missiles, on Saturday, Russian Defense Ministry Spokesman Major-General Igor Konashenkov told reporters on Sunday, adding that no attacks on cities were conducted.

Over the past 24 hours, the grouping of troops of Luhansk People's Republic, with fire support from the Russian Armed Forces, carried out successful offensive operations and took  control over Novoakhtyrka, Smolyaninovo, Stanichno-Luhanskoe settlements. The depth of advance deep into the defence since the beginning of the offensive operation is 52 kilometers.

The grouping of troops of Donetsk People's Republic continued the offensive in the direction of Petrovskoe, advancing another 12 kilometers. Pavlopol and Pischevik were taken under control.

Over the past day, Kherson and Berdyansk cities were blocked by the Russian Armed Forces. Genichevsk city and Chernobaevka airfield near Kherson were also taken under control.

During the conduct of the special military operation, the process of mass refusal of Ukrainian military personnel to continue hostilities continues.

Yesterday, in the Kharkiv region, the 302nd anti-aircraft missile regiment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, equipped with Buk M-1 air defence systems, voluntarily laid down their  arms and surrendered. 471 Ukrainian servicemen were detained. All Ukrainian servicemen are treated with respect and assistance. After filling in the documents, they will be sent to their families.

On February 26, from 4:00 pm to 4:20 pm, Ukrainian nationalists from the Azov Battalion attacked residential areas of Sartana settlement in Mariupol suburbs and at school No. 8 in Mariupol city with MLRS Grad. As a result, there is destruction of residential buildings and there are casualties among the civilian population. Russian Defence Ministry warned that Ukrainian nationalists were preparing such provocations.

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation do not strike cities and towns, they take all measures to save the lives of civilians.

On February 26, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation launched another strike with long-range precision weapons using air- and sea-based cruise missiles against Ukraine's military infrastructure.
In total, the Russian Armed Forces hit 975 objects of the military infrastructure of Ukraine.

Among them: 23 command posts and communication centres of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, 3 radar posts, 31 S-300, Buk M-1 and Osa anti-aircraft missile systems, 48 radar stations.

Downed: 8 combat aircraft, 7 helicopters, 11 unmanned aerial vehicles, 2 Tochka-U tactical missiles.

223 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 28 aircraft (on the ground), 39 multiple rocket launchers, 86 field artillery mounts and mortars, 143 units of special military vehicles were destroyed.

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