, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Vladimir Putin 'NATO Want To Fight Against Russia?'

Vladimir Putin 'NATO Want To Fight Against Russia?'

Russia are categorically opposed to NATO’s eastward expansion through the admission of new members because we see this as an overall threat of NATO’s continued expansion towards our border, Vladimir Putin said during press conference following the talks with his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron on Monday.

"It is not us moving towards NATO but NATO moving towards us. Therefore, saying that Russia is behaving aggressively is at odds with logic. Have we approached anyone’s border? No, it is NATO’s infrastructure that has come close to us," he noted.
Putin explained the danger associated with potential admission of Ukraine to NATO.
"Just imagine what could happen if Ukraine were a NATO member. Article 5 has not been cancelled. I asked during the above-mentioned news conference, “What are we supposed to do? Fight against the NATO bloc?” But this question has a second part: “Do you want to fight against Russia?” Ask your readers, your audiences and the users of online resources, “Do you want France to fight against Russia?” Because this is how it will be," he said.
Putin believe that these security matters concern not only Russia but also Europe and the world as a whole.
"If everyone wants peace, tranquillity, well-being and confidence, what is bad about not deploying offensive weapons near our borders? Can anyone tell me what is bad about this?"
"If NATO is a peaceful organisation, what is bad about returning its infrastructure to the level of 1997, when the NATO-Russia Act was signed? This would create conditions for building up confidence and security. Is this bad?" Putin asks.

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