, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Zakharova Believes UK’s Truss Must Apologize For Statements About Russia’s ‘Invasion’ Of Ukraine

Zakharova Believes UK’s Truss Must Apologize For Statements About Russia’s ‘Invasion’ Of Ukraine

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova believes that UK Foreign Secretary Liz Truss must apologize for her statements regarding the alleged potential Russian aggression against Ukraine.

"The head of the British Foreign Office [Liz Truss] must apologize for dissemination of lies, and she must apologize before the people of Russia, the people of Ukraine and the people of Britain, as well as before the mass media that decided that her statements are true," Zakharova said at a briefing Wednesday.
She claimed that Truss personally became the face of the "disinformation campaign" initiated in the West regarding the alleged potential Russian aggression against Ukraine.
"All statements made by her completely fall in line with the information campaign, carried out by NATO member states, led by Washington and London, and, in many ways, she became its face," Zakharova said.
According to Zakharova, the UK must prove the lack of its own intention to attack anyone, Russia in particular, considering a British destroyer entered Russia’s territorial waters last year.
"This is not the first time we are saying that Russia has not attacked anyone and is not going to. NATO states, however, must explain themselves; things are not all that clear about them. Let the UK now prove that it has no intention to attack anyone, that it has no such intentions," the spokeswoman said.
During the last few months, Western media repeatedly reported an allegedly possible Russian invasion of the Ukrainian territory, naming "exact date" and even time, and postponing it repeatedly. Russia repeatedly debunked such statements. President Vladimir Putin underscored that Moscow does not want war, and Russia initiated negotiations on guarantees of security in order to prevent it.

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