, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Agreement On Humanitarian Corridors In Ukraine Frustrated Again 03 07 22

Agreement On Humanitarian Corridors In Ukraine Frustrated Again 03 07 22

The Ukrainian side has not fulfilled a single condition for the creation of humanitarian corridors, Chief of the National Centre for State Defence Control, Colonel General Mikhail Mizintsev reported on Monday.

We observed by means of objective control, including unmanned aerial vehicles - not a single event for the preparation of humanitarian convoys was carried out, no one arrived at the open humanitarian corridors.
It is known that the nationalists, under the threat of physical violence, simply do not let civilians and foreign citizens out of these settlements.

From 10:00 a.m., on the contrary, we note intensive movement of armed people on the front line in all directions, artillery and mortar fire did not stop for a second. During these three hours alone, on all six humanitarian corridors declared by the Russian Armed Forces, 172 shellings from the armed forces of Ukraine and nationalists were recorded. In this case, we are talking about shelling areas directly located or adjacent to the alleged humanitarian corridors.

In Mariupol, any attempts by the civilian population and foreign citizens to move in the direction of the gathering places for humanitarian convoys were severely suppressed, up to the use of weapons to kill.

In addition, the mayor of Sumy, Alexander Lysenko with the commander of the national battalion, at 11:55 a.m.officially announced: “There will be no green corridors, not a single civilian will go to Russia, and those who try to do this will be shot.”

We know why the Kiev regime, by all available and inaccessible methods, in every possible way prevents the exit of civilians and foreigners to Russia, and in fact, they afraid that people will tell the truth about lawlessness and chaos, humiliation and suffering, as well as genocide organized by this inhuman regime.

Millions of Ukrainians, thousands of foreign citizens also found themselves in the information blockade. Nobody tells the truth to people. Even the notification of civilians and foreigners about the possibility of using safe humanitarian corridors towards Russia is not carried out, and the Ukrainian media broadcast false information that Russia does not provides these corridors.

At the same time, on the border of Ukraine in Kiev region, as well as in Sudzha, Kursk region, in Nekhoteevka, Belgorod region, in Novoazovsk city, Rostov region, four columns of comfortable large buses, with a total number of 367 seats, with a total capacity of up to 12.5 thousand passengers. These thousands of people could find themselves in a calm and safe environment today. Unfortunately, this did not happen due to the fault of the Ukrainian authorities.

We keep chronology of all the actions of the Ukrainian side, archiving the materials of objective control. We are doing this, in order to tell the Ukrainian people later who lied to them, who used them as a human shield.
We record in detail the positions, last names, first names of all representatives of the Kiev authorities who are interacting with us today on humanitarian issues at this difficult time for ordinary Ukrainians. We will tell about the actions and inaction, about the betrayal and lies of official and unofficial officials who are indifferent to the fate of their own people.

Kiev officials continue to accuse the Russian Armed Forces of allegedly failing to comply with the promised cease-fire and brazenly lie to representatives of foreign embassies in Kiev, Lvov and Odessa and other cities about the Russian side’s failure to fulfill the conditions for ensuring the security of humanitarian corridors. This is a blatant provocation, lies and deceit.

We continue to work with all interested parties and today, more than ever, we call on the UN, the OSCE, the International Committee of the Red Cross, all the power, all the potential of your organizations to force the representatives of Kiev authorities to fulfill the humanitarian obligations enshrined in the Geneva Convention.
Yesterday, numerous facts were recorded in Kharkov, Sumy and other cities, when militants of nationalist battalions shot civilians, accusing them of complicity with Russia.

In Mariupol, on the first floor of a school building located on Svobody Avenue, nationalists of the territorial defence battalions created a strong point, placing heavy weapons on the lower floors and placing groups of snipers on the roof. At the same time, the militants hide behind the backs of innocent citizens, forcibly holding the residents of the nearest houses in the school.

And the latest information looks quite cynical. Officials with whom we interacted during the preparation of today's humanitarian operation have just published an official message on the information resource that the exit of civilians was disrupted through the fault of the Russian Federation, allegedly due to inconsistency in the routes of humanitarian corridors.

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